The WHOIS information of a domain is a collection of numerous details that are freely accessed through special lookup Internet sites or a command line. The protocol that makes this possible carries the same name and you can very easily see the company through which a domain address has been registered, the creation, expiration and last update dates together with the names, postal and e-mail address of the people listed as Registrant (owner), Administrative, Technical and Billing contacts for a specific domain name. All this information must be valid and up-to-date at all times; if it's not the domain address registration can be challenged. The latter is a policy of ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), this means you must always ensure that the WHOIS details of your domains are accurate. Updating the WHOIS for numerous country-code TLDs is limited, so whenever you register a new Internet domain, it is best to double-check the information you are submitting.