What's phpPgAdmin? What job does it have inside your Internet hosting account?
PhpPgAdmin is among the most popular tools for managing PostgreSQL databases. It is intuitive, yet powerful and you can execute any action you need - export, import and edit any cell, row or table in a database; grant, revoke or modify the permissions for a particular user; execute SQL queries and a lot more. When you wish to have a backup copy of a PostgreSQL-driven website, for instance, or relocate it to another web hosting provider, you can export your entire database in a format of your liking - SQL, CSV, XML, XHTML and so on. Using phpPgAdmin, you will have full control of your databases and everything connected with them. The instrument was in fact intended as the PostgreSQL equivalent of phpMyAdmin, however nowadays they have very little in common when it comes to the interface.
phpPgAdmin in Shared Website Hosting
PhpPgAdmin is among the instruments you will be able to access through the Hepsia Control Panel which is provided with every single
Linux shared website hosting service we offer. Any time you set up a PostgreSQL database in the Databases area of your account, a phpPgAdmin icon will show up beside it, so that you can simply click on it and you will be logged into the app right away. You will not need to submit any login credentials as long as you go through your Control Panel, yet if you have to provide access to a certain database to some other person, they could use a direct phpPgAdmin login link where they can enter the username and the password that you give them and use the database without getting access to any other content in your hosting account. This option comes in handy if you hire a web designer to set up or improve your site.
phpPgAdmin in Semi-dedicated Servers
You will be able to set up and benefit from PostgreSQL databases with all the
semi-dedicated servers that we supply and you can access phpPgAdmin and command them with just a few clicks. We've made the decision to supply the abovementioned handy application with all of our website hosting accounts since it combines quite a few features with an easy to work with user interface. Every time you create a new PostgreSQL database from your web hosting Control Panel, you will be able to click on the phpPgAdmin button which will appear on its right-hand side and you'll be signed in automatically without doing any other thing. In case you don't want to go through your web hosting account, you can also control all of your PostgreSQL databases by entering its login credentials on our phpPgAdmin login page. The latter alternative is useful if you hire a graphic designer for a website and you wish to keep your e-mail messages and all the other content in your account private.