If you acquire a new Linux shared website hosting service, it's created on a server and the process will take a while, not mentioning the validation and processing of your fee, which a lot of companies perform manually. If you get a dedicated server, for example, the installation takes longer because the unit needs to be assembled, installed and tried in order to guarantee that it'll work properly. This is the reason why many suppliers have a one-time cost to cover the time and efforts devoted to your new account. The charge, which sometimes is high, is usually not mentioned on the main page, yet you'll find it on the checkout or payment page, therefore you won't be familiar with it before you've already completed the whole registration process and you may even miss it if you don't pay attention.
Setup Fee in Shared Website Hosting
If you buy a shared website hosting plan through us, you will never need to pay any installation charges. In fact, we don't have other hidden charges of any type either. We value every single customer and it is our belief that if you obtain any kind of plan through us, you should not have to pay anything more than the cost for your hosting package. You won't discover any kind of concealed fees before or after your purchase, which will show you that we are a dependable and legitimate supplier. The cost of every shared web hosting package is identical all around on our web site - the main page, the order as well as the payment pages. As we offer immediate account activation, you will not need to wait for many hours or even days in order to begin creating your site.
Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Servers
When you buy a semi-dedicated server package through our company, your initial payment is exactly the same as all the renewal payments for the subsequent months. We don't have virtually any setup costs, or any hidden fees of any type, for that matter. We respect a business partnership based upon mutual trust much more than a few additional dollars, therefore even if you have a shared web hosting plan here and you'd like to relocate all your content to a brand new semi-dedicated server, in order to acquire a more powerful hosting alternative, we will do everything for you at no extra charge apart from the standard monthly fee for your brand new package. The installation of a semi-dedicated account is almost entirely automatic, so we believe that charging you something for that would not be justified.
Setup Fee in VPS Servers
Even though creating a VPS server requires time and efforts, we will never ask you for any kind of installation rates even if you order several servers at a time. At the time you register, you will need to pay solely the regular monthly rate for the selected package and we will create your VPS, install its OS, web hosting Control Panel and software package (web server, MySQL, FTP) at no extra charge. The renewal charges for the following months are exactly the same as the initial registration cost. We believe that having one more customer who trusts us is far more important than getting a small one-time charge, that's why if you acquire a virtual server from our company, you may never see any concealed fees.
Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers
If you get a dedicated server from our company, we'll set up the machine cost-free. The fee that you can find and pay is exactly the same on our web site, on the payment page as well as on your bank statement, plus the amount you will pay through the signup is the same as the one you will pay to renew your plan later on. We will offer you a ready-to-use system, which is assembled and tested, and which includes all the needed software in advance - Operating System, web server, MySQL, FTP, plus hosting Control Panel when you have picked one during the registration, still all these duties are done free of charge. We will even move your data without additional fee if you order your dedicated server with our Hepsia Control Panel and you have a standard shared hosting package through our company.