With the Mailbox Manager, included inside the Hepsia Web Hosting Control Panel you will be able to efficiently command all your email accounts, irrespective of the number of sites you have. You can quickly sort e–mail accounts, enable anti–spam, set up email forwarding with just a click of the mouse and make filters for one’s mailboxes. Thanks to the auto–configure scripts, it is possible to quickly configure your mail client to work with any email account of yours. And the latter is merely a modest part of what Wise Pro Solutions’s Mailbox Manager can assist you with.
Intended to keep spam away from you
No one wants junk e–mail within the mailbox. For this reason, we have developed a customizable anti–spam solution based on adequately devised sets of rules that sort inbound messages and maintain the unsolicited e–mail away.
You can select between numerous degrees of safety, determined by exactly what junk messages you get. Furthermore, you can easily specify a distinct amount of spam protection for different e–mail accounts. Ultimately, you may choose what will happen to e–mails marked as spam – to be deleted or forwarded to a certain email address.
Email Forwarding
Redirect messages from one email address to another
We have managed to make it pretty simple if you want to forward e–mail messages from one mailbox to a different one inside your Linux shared website hosting service account. All you should do is choose the email that you would like to forward and then submit the destination mailbox in which you wish each of the messages to get delivered to.
You can even enable a copy of every forwarded message to be kept within the email account that you already have forwarded.
Email Filters
Set your mailbox in order
While using the Mailbox Manager of your Web Hosting Control Panel, it is definitely very easy to create brand new email filters. Everything you need to do is select the keywords which will be used to filter messages and exactly where the filter needs to look for them (subject, body, etc.) and then opt for the action that will be applied to the filtered e–mail messages.
Email Protection
Email defense using DomainKeys and SPF records
We’ve included a collection of software tools within your Web Hosting Control Panel which can safeguard your e–mail address from being used for spam purposes without your knowledge. We have DomainKeys activated for all email accounts automatically. This service measures up the sender’s site to the email message to warrant that the sent message originates from that address.
We have furthermore enabled SPF protection – a solution, which defends all of your mailboxes from spammers who make use of your mailbox to send spam on presumably your behalf.
Email Auto–Configure Option
Configure a mailbox on your personal computer in a click
If you check your email trough your notebook or desktop, you almost certainly work with an email client. To save you the hassle of needing to personally include each new email address in your mail client, we’ve integrated clever ’auto–configure’ files. Simply get hold of the file and load it with the mail app – this will automatically create your a mailbox within your preferred desktop client.
We have auto–configure files for: Mozilla Thunderbird, Mac Mail, Outlook and Outlook Express.
Available on any device, at any place
In the event you do not have access to an email client, you can quickly check your mail by way of the webmail client – Roundcube. There’s one URL you should memorize and/or write down, and you can now visit it using any kind of web–connected device from any location!
You could also instantly log in through your Web Hosting Control Panel, with no need to submit virtually any e–mail logon data.